University of Calgary

Wolverine Research in the Rockies


Project Highway Wilding has its own YouTube Channel!

Highway Wilding is a collaborative research & monitoring project between Parks Canada, the Western Transportation Institute (WTI), Miistakis Institute, Wilburforce Foundation and Woodcock Foundation that focuses on getting wildlife safely “across the road” in Banff National Park and beyond.

This past winter WTI’s senior wildlife research scientist Dr. Tony Clevenger and his team directed their research efforts towards studying the wolverine population through a large scale DNA/hair sampling survey and remote cameras. An impressive 89 percent of all bait sites set up by the researchers were actually visited by wolverines in the Park.

Check out Miistakis short 3-minute video highlighting the results of the 2010-2011 Wolverine Research project by visiting the Miistakis YouTube Channel.

For more information on the Miistakis Research Institute, click here.