University of Calgary

Master of Planning Program Earns Accreditation


The Faculty of Environmental Design’s Master of Planning degree was recently granted a maximum accreditation period by the Canadian Institute of Planners — the national certification body for the planning profession in Canada.

With the 2011 re-launch of the Master of Planning (MPlan) degree and recent approval from the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), the Faculty of Environmental Design (EVDS) now has full accreditation for the next five-year period, ensuring the professional graduate degree is recognized across Canada.

"This is a very important milestone for our new Master of Planning program, and it reinforces what we already knew — that we have a program that is addressing the needs of the 21st century and equipping our students for great careers in which they can be leaders and have a positive influence on how our cities, towns and environments develop,” says Bev Sandalack, associate dean of planning and environmental design in the Faculty of Environmental Design.

The accreditation report found MPlan to be an "impressive program,” noting in particular the studio focus and urban design skills that distinguish this program in Canada.

The review committee found the program achieving the fine balance between theory and practice, and a high degree of community engagement as well as strong support from faculty and the University of Calgary’s senior administration.

“The addition of an accredited professional degree in planning to our other accredited program in architecture is significant, putting the faculty and university in a unique position in the province,” says Dean Nancy Pollock-Ellwand. “Delivering the only accredited programs in these professions here in Alberta is both a great privilege and responsibility. It is also a significant opportunity in Calgary, one of the fastest growing metropolitan regions in Canada.”

Although this is the first accreditation for the recently relaunched Master of Planning program, EVDS has a long and established history, from 1976 to 2008, of offering accredited planning education for the region. The faculty will continue to build on this legacy by addressing the issues of today’s world by equipping students with dynamic skill sets and knowledge for innovative problem-solving.