University of Calgary

CPAWS to present government’s proposed southern Alberta land-use plan at EVDS Jan 13 @ 4:30 pm

CPAWSThe Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) and Faculty of Environmental Design (EVDS) are holding a public information session on the Government of Alberta’s draft South Saskatchewan Land-use Plan (SSRP) Jan. 13.

CPAWS of Southern Alberta will present an overview of the SSRP draft, which was released in October last year, and provide information on the opportunities for the community to provide feedback on the plan to the Government of Alberta.

“This presentation is important in raising awareness of the value of southern Alberta’s landscapes and it is a good opportunity to learn about the new land use plan and provide input,” says Beverly Sandalack, associate dean of planning and environmental design. “It is vital to the future of our natural environment, our economy and our sense of place that we get this right.”

The SSRP region contains a diversity of ecosystems including grasslands, foothills and mountains. The region supports forested headwaters which provide clean water and flood regulation as well as imperiled native prairie grasslands, habitat for rare wildlife, and provide endless recreational opportunities. These resources also support thousands of jobs and families.

The free public information session will be held Monday Jan. 13 from 4:30-6pm in room 2165 of the Professional Facilities building